Thursday 28 April 2011

Is social shopping the next big trend?

We think so. Groupon fever has hit the UK with the site experiencing a 540% increase in visits since September. Vouchercloud has been downloaded 1.2m times since its launch in Feb 2010. Even House of Fraser and M&S are piloting personalised vouchers sent to your mobile as soon as you’re within spitting distance of their stores.

However the social shopping trend will soon move from discounts into shopping communities. With brands such as Shopwithyourfriends and Plurchase in the US taking online shopping from a personal into a friendship space. Here, Westfield has dabbled with a Tweet Mirror, which lets your friends instantly feedback on how good or grim you look to prompt purchase. It’s only a matter of time until Tesco cotton on and your mum will be critiquing your choice of marg…

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