Monday, 19 January 2009

Twitter Power 150

Based on Todd Andrlik's Power 150 Ranking which featured the top English-language media and marketing blogs in the world, Armando Alves has had a go at creating the Twitter Power 150. How very topical and very handy.

Here's the top 10. See the full list here.

1. PR Squared @TDefren 253.26
2. Web Strategy by Jeremiah @jowyang 243.59
4. Social Media Explorer @jasonfalls 231.66
5. Groundswell @charleneli 229.72
6. BlogWrite for CEOs @debbieweil 217.25
7. Micro Persuasion @steverubel 215.08
8. Strategic PR @prblog 215.06
9. Jaffe juice @jaffejuice 214.71
10. Online Marketing Blog @leeodden 214.24

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