Wednesday, 17 December 2008

sometimes you can't bake it on your own

The recipe said they were 'easy to make'. Lee our OCD CD said they were easy to make. The name itself 'gingerbread' suggests ease, ginger + bread. So why is it that my battalion of gingerbread reindeer & stars took every ounce of pastry cheffing nouce that I have? and why did I end up burning my first batch even though I was sat in front of the oven looking in like an expectant father?
Most of my effort actually went into collaring people into helping so my thanks go to Kirsty & Lee for allowing me to disturb their precious Sundays, my sister for her patience & kitchen and finally my trusted side-kick and sous chef Joseph, who began by being mildly distruptive but ended up being a vital aide, confidente and quality controller.

happy homebaking christmas to one and all!

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