Thursday, 18 December 2008

Tis the season to be baking...

...or so it would seem round our way!

This year we decided that our Christmas gifts should be edible and crucially made by our own fair hands. This would be a brave call for a group of full time pastry chefs let alone a bunch of plucky amateurs who happen to watch the F word.

So, for those who have received we hope you’ve enjoyed, for those who have not then the recipe and pictures below should more than compensate.

Happy Christmas from the MWorks bakers, enjoy the gift of ginger bread!

the recipe...

Makes 15-20... (very lucky people)

  • 350g plain flour
  • 1 tsp ground ginger
  • 1/2 tsp ground cloves
  • 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
  • 1 tsp bicarbonate of soda
  • 100g of butter
  • 175g soft brown sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 4 tbsp golden syrup/ or 2 golden syrup and 2 black treacle


  • Pre-heat the oven to 180 degrees/gas mark 5
  • Mix together the flour, spices and bicarbonate of soda
  • Rub in the butter until it looks like breadcrumbs
  • Add the sugar
  • In a separate bowl mix together the egg and golden syrup then add to the dry ingredients
  • Mix together until it forms a dough. Tip out onto clean, floured work surface and knead for a minute or two until it is smooth
  • Roll out the dough to the depth of a pencil (approx 5mm) and cut out shapes with cookie cutters
  • Lay the biscuits on a greased baking tray and bake for 10-15 minutes until golden brown
MWorks Top Tips...
  • Replace 2 tbsp of the golden syrup with black treacle. This will give the gingerbread a nice golden colour without having to overcook it.
  • Once you have kneaded your dough, wrap it in cling film and put into the fridge for about an hour. This will make the dough much easier to roll out and stop it sticking to the rolling pin.
  • Use a metal cutter if possible. So much easier!
  • Use plenty of flour on the surface and on your rolling pin.
  • Keep an eye on them when they are in the oven. 12 minutes is really all they need.
  • We don't advise making these when you have a hangover!

Happy baking!

Team MasterCard - hit the kitchen

Last Friday saw Julie and Anna descend upon my kitchen... now I only have a little flat in sleepy Dulwich, London, but its a wonder that after all our culinary antics I didn't have neighbours at my door queuing for tantalising samples!

It must be said though, given Thursday night was our MWorks Christmas party, we didn't bolt out of the blocks armed with our pots, pans and mixing bowls - in reality the oven only hit peak temperature around 5pm...

My 16 month old daughter was also most bemused by the commotion but has given us little thumbs up after many a taste test.

We hope you enjoy these little packages when they land on your desk, as much as we enjoyed making them!

Wishing you all a very merry, ginger Christmas...

Jules, Anna & Kirsty

Nigella would be jealous...

What better way to get you in the Christmassy mood than to bake ginger bread santa's?! I loved it! However....for all those who are now inspired by our fab blogs to get their baking hats are a few words of advice to make your experience that little bit easier...

1) Use loads of flour...Flour the surface, flour the rolling pin, flour the cutter, flour the floor, the cupboards, flour the whole house if you have will thank me....

2) Keep the dough cool, stick it in the fridge for a few hours before rolling out...and the thinner, the better...they expand when they're in the oven, so don't put them too close to each other or you'll end up with one rather large gingerbread monster....

3) Keep nasty flatmates away from sabotaging the lovely little fellas, or phallic shaped objects may appear on your little santa's without you realising....

4) Don't under estimate the time it takes to make these....4 hours later and you could be wishing you had started a little earlier than 9pm...

5) Finally, enjoy, love and embrace the santa gingerness to help you get in the Christmas spirit....

Wishing you all a very happy Christmas!

P.s....sorry about the apron...slightly inappropriate...but it's all we had!?!

Wednesday, 17 December 2008

The 2 days of Christmas (baking)

It took 2 days, 2 hours per day, 2 calls to Head Chef Lee, 2 trips to the shops, 2 cutters, 2 kitchens and 1 Christmas jumper..but I got there in the end.

I had been thinking that the best thing to have come out of the ‘economic downturn’ is the trend for craft and in particular, that of making your own Christmas presents! Finally making stuff is cool…and I can make presents for people without looking like a cheapskate. So I was very excited to be making Christmas cookies for our clients this year. And although I definitely agree with the others on the whole ‘it wasn’t as easy as it should’ve been’ thing, it was loads of fun, totally put me in the Christmas spirit and has added to my (tiny) baking repertoire.

I hope those of you to have received some of our colourful cookies enjoyed them. And RIP to the 10 x Reindeer that sadly perished in my kitchen in the name of experimentation.


..ok, so I may have had a little help!

sometimes you can't bake it on your own

The recipe said they were 'easy to make'. Lee our OCD CD said they were easy to make. The name itself 'gingerbread' suggests ease, ginger + bread. So why is it that my battalion of gingerbread reindeer & stars took every ounce of pastry cheffing nouce that I have? and why did I end up burning my first batch even though I was sat in front of the oven looking in like an expectant father?
Most of my effort actually went into collaring people into helping so my thanks go to Kirsty & Lee for allowing me to disturb their precious Sundays, my sister for her patience & kitchen and finally my trusted side-kick and sous chef Joseph, who began by being mildly distruptive but ended up being a vital aide, confidente and quality controller.

happy homebaking christmas to one and all!

La la la La…Santa Baking… (To be sang to the tune of ‘Santa Baby’)

All I can say is that the main learning I have taken from this experience is that I am VERY heavy handed! I didn’t realise I would have a full on fight with my Santa cookie cutter – there were many Santa’s without heads, legs and even eyes. However, after a few attempts I got the hang of it (with help from my fairer handed little helper) and I went on to bake 23 successful little fellas + got a great sense of achievement afterwards.

It was epic BUT well worth it, a real healthy (bar the ingredients) exercise for the MWorks office with many competing for who had the best looking, best tasting, best dressed gingerbread biscuits.
Hopefully it will be a nice surprise for our special tasters – you will know who you are.

My icing skills left a lot to be desired but I guess that’s why I am in client services and not creative, besides it’s the thought that counts right?

Joy to the world and all gingerbread eaters.

As Santa likes to say…Ho Ho Ho Merry Christmas

Just call me DG - 'Domestic Goddess'!

Never underestimate the infinite amount of fun that can be had with cookie dough, cookie cutters, a little bit of patience and a whole load of icing and cookie decorations!!

Roll on Christmas, for now I am ready!!

Tuesday, 16 December 2008

The proof is in the hoodie: 5 hours of gingerbread mayhem

Having not baked since I was circa 12 years old (and that was under mum’s close supervision and mainly involved licking the icing bowls) I was slightly unnerved by the MWorks Xmas Challenge. However, I rose to that challenge and after 5 hours of trials and tribulations I was the proud creator of 29 gingerbread snowmen (does that work? A ginger snowman..? Albino..? Reverse-albino? I'm slightly Three of the gingerbread men were hand-in-hand with other gingerbread men (go figure what you will) as the first round had resulted in a three’s company, four’s a crowd-type situation within each baking tray, and they’d melded together.

Problems encountered were largely of the ‘much too sticky’ nature and were eventually solved with about 4 kg worth of flour wafted strategically all over the kitchen, as well as into the cutter thingy. It also took a good few profanities before I figured out I had to press LIGHTLY with the cutter and then simply lift it off and pull away the trim around the shape, not add 25 acme anvils’ worth of weight onto it until I cut through to China and then attempt to retrieve the sticky dough from inside the cutter.

All in all, I proved against all odds that contrary to my first impressions I am NOT the worst baker in the world, ever!!

Happy Christmas to one and all….

Thursday, 11 December 2008

A sign of the times

Balham Woolies this morn :0(

Thursday, 4 December 2008

Help Santa keep his job!

I love this, I love this!

Green Santa was originally created by Chief Productions who teamed up with MAKE (part of LOVE Creative) to create a site which educates kids on the climate change issue + encourages them to pledge to do things to help, all in a fun + engaging way. It's based on the premise that Christmas is at risk because global warming is melting Santa's runway preventing him from delivering presents to children.

Children can browse the site to see how global warming is affecting not just Santa, but other characters living in Lapland including Jack Frost, the Snowmen + the wooly mammoths! Children can also make a pledge to help such as turning off the TV when they're not watching it or walking to school + they can even write to Santa himself.

More like this I say!