Wednesday, 19 August 2009

All Saints jacket for beer money - bid now!

All is not good in the WKS09 camp. Only last week we noticed some warped blogger is targeting the WKS crew, and now they're squabbling amongst themselves.

A few weeks back Jude shared his ingenious (?) way of collecting beer money using ebay. The idea of Fleabay is that someone in the group steals something from another member of the group that is of great value to them, but worthless to anyone a left flip flop. The owner of this item must then bid to get it back. All money raised goes towards beer. Hmm..

Anyway, this has riled Kian who tends to be Jude's favourite target - his pants went missing last week and can be found for sale right now. This lead to an argument which concluded with Jude getting run over! And NOW to get his own back, Kian has put Jude's most treasured possession on fleabay - his All Saints leather jacket. Obviously, this isn't something that's only valuable to Jude and has attracted 11 bids already. Oops. Jude won't be happy.

Wednesday, 5 August 2009

An interview with our Tom about Who Killed Summer? interviewed MWorks MD, Tom Thirlwall about our current online drama, Who Killed Summer? You can see the whole thing over here.

And you can watch Who Killed Summer? over here. Is good!