Monday, 26 October 2009

86% of brands plan to engage with original content

Good news!

An article over at at e-marketer shares the results of a survey undertaken by King Fish Media which reports that 86% brands are planning on creating original content with which to engage their audience, with 74% believing it to be more effective at generating ROI than traditional advertising.

In addition to this, brands now believe the best ways to communicate with prospective leads + customers are their corporate website (75%), social media (73%), custom content + media (70%) + face-to-face events (69%).

And in line with this, e-marketer + almost everything else I've read today seems to talking about the importance of measuring the ROI of social media. And not just the non-financial intangiable return, or even against digital sales; but most importantly how we can measure its impact on offline sales.

Olivier Blanchard talks about this at length over here. And Coca-Cola's Carol Kruse shares a little about their aggressive digital plans for the future + how they plan to measure its affect on sales over here.

Friday, 16 October 2009

CLICK HERE to tell our global leaders you're ready to commit to a global climate change deal

tcktcktck talks about all things climate change + in the run-up to COP15 (the United Nations Climate Change Conference), it's asking us to submit our names to say that we're ready for the global leaders to sign an ambitious, fair + binding deal that means the world is committed to a plan which will hopefully turn the climate change problem around.

Please take a few mins to leave your name + then tell all your friends.

They're currently at 2.2m names + have until December to get as many names as possible. Go, go, go!

Tuesday, 13 October 2009

Piano stairs make it fun to be green!

This is great. What an exciting world this would be if we created a fun alternative to everything that negatively impacts the environment..

Source: Do the green thing