Friday, 25 September 2009

We're happy to be working with..Change for Climate Change

We've recently started working with new charity, Change for Climate Change.

This is very exciting for us because, for once, this is a climate change initiative that feels like it will work! This is because it understands that it's only when business and industry change their bad habits that this problem ever has a chance of going away. And with this in mind Change for Climate Change wants to harness the power of consumers all over world to inspire that change..since it's the consumers who drive industry.

More about Change for Climate Change at their blog over here. Unfortunately they don't have a website at the moment (we're still working on it)! But this post talks about how they've recruited their first partner, David Lloyd Leisure. And how together they have created a project called The David Lloyd Lefini Project which will empower their members to help fight the impact of deforestation across the world.

Watch this space for news of CFCC's lovely new website coming soon.

Wednesday, 23 September 2009

Take 3D pics + vids with Fulifilm's new 3D camera!!

Just spotted this on very exciting!

As 3-D cinema offers an alternative to the download culture, 3-D cameras might offer manufacturers respite from the threat of phones.

Fujifilm is launching a camera which takes 3D video and photos, without recourse to special glasses. The FinePix REAL 3D W1 launches in the UK this month.

Its integrated processor creates an image from using two slightly different angles and as such harks back to the pioneers of sterescopics. Images can be vied on the camera’s LCD screen or shared on the FinePix REAL 3D V1 photo frame monitor or as prints on special lenticular sheets.

Source: Mintel, 22 September '09

Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Happy Birthday Lee!

It's Lee's birthday today - happy birthday Lee!

Lee is our Creative Director + it seems we only ever blog about his birthdays which is odd?! I think it's because as one of the more mature members of MWorks we have to look after the old guy.

The question is..will he remove his jacket for the occasion? It's not looking too promising at the moment, but there are still 1.5 hours of the working day left.

Til next year xx

Tuesday, 15 September 2009

Who Killed Summer? - all is revealed TONIGHT!

It's been a long, hot summer for the Who Killed Summer? contestants. And for the most part it's been amazing fun rockin' up at festivals like Benicassim, the Croatia Garden Festivals + Relentless Boardmasters - they've met their idols, made new friends + some among the group have even reached more intimate levels of friendship!!

But recent events have seen the best summer ever turn into their worst nightmare..

It turns out that ex-junkie Tete's new boyfriend was actually paid by a warped blogger going by the name of David Hampton to seduce her and get her back on drugs. He also revealed pictures of sweet virgin Claire dragging a virtual stranger into a hotel room, destroying her relationship with her boyfriend. What sort of a weirdo would do this?

This is all just scratching the surface, but David Hampton fills in the gaps perfectly over here.

So needless to say, the whole group is hugely disturbed at how close David Hampton has been getting to them...and since finding out that David Hampton isn't even his real name + that he's in fact using the name of a dead conman, most are now convinced that David Hampton is one of them. He just couldn't have got hold of certain pictures and information any other way. This has led them to turn on each other and all the while David Hampton continues to twist the knife.

All will become clear tonight though. David Hampton sent each of the contestants a Facebook invite to meet him on a boat just off the Sussex coast..sounds a little fishy to me! They've all accepted, so all we can do now is sit back and watch as the mystery unfolds across 3 episodes going live tonight at 8pm, 9pm and concluding at 10pm over at

The Who Killed Summer? Facebook fan page will also be buzzing with activity as it works with fans to get to the bottom of this sinister storyline.

Who Killed Summer?
is a collaboration between MWorks, Hideous Productions + Big Balls Films (the guys behind Kate Modern + Nokia's Somebody Else's Phone) + is sponsored by Vodafone. The depth + breadth of this combined expertise has delivered an online drama that demonstrates TV-quality production values, (properly) exploits the potential of social media to engage its audience, and allows people to watch it in (almost) real time, for the first time.